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Myasthenia Gravis: Likelihood Ratios

Introduction: None written.

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Tags: Autoimmune Neurologic Tag this Diagnosis.


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Thymoma 30% Myasthenia Gravis occurs in 30-50% of patients with a thymoma
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The likelihood ratios of findings for Myasthenia Gravis are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.


Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Anti-AChR Binding Antibodies Edit inf0.2

Sensitivity is >80% for generalized myasthenia but down to 50+% in ocular myasthenia. Sensitivity is as high as 99% for patients with associated thymoma. In addition, some number of patients become seropositive over time so numbers can be 92% seropositive. Specificity is per UpToDate.

Study: Semin Neurol 2004 Mar;24(1):31-9. PMID 15229790

Muscle Nerve. 2007 Nov;36(5):651-8. PMID 17654558


Anti-MuSK Antibodies Edit Sensitivity = 38%

Sensitivity is 38-50% of patients who do not have Anti-AChR antibodies! Specificity not assessed.

Study: Muscle Nerve. 2007 Nov;36(5):651-8. PMID 17654558

Anticholinesterase Test Edit 150.1

Edrophonium chloride is a fast- and short-acting acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that may be administered in the office setting to diagnose myasthenia gravis (Box). Its effect usually occurs within 30 seconds and lasts less than 5 minutes. Most myasthenic muscles respond to the test dose of 2 mg, but many will require more. Adverse effects are rare and usually mild (excess salivation, sweating, abdominal cramps, or fecal incontinence). Unequivocal improvement in ptosis or extraocular muscles constitutes a positive response.

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Dysarthria after long period of speaking Edit 4.50.6

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Food in mouth after swallowing Edit 130.7

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Ice Test Edit 240.2

The ice pack test is performed by placing a latex glove finger filled with crushed ice over the more ptotic eyelid for 2 minutes. Complete or almost complete resolution of ptosis or at least a 2-mm increase in palpebral fissure width constitutes a positive response to these maneuvers. It is very important to evaluate the improvement immediately following the test, as the lids may quickly begin to droop again.

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Peek Sign Edit 300.9

After complete initial apposition of the lid margins, they quickly (within 30 seconds) start to separate and the sclera starts to show (ie, a positive peek sign).

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Quiver Eye Movements Edit 4.10.8

Quiver eye movements are very fast, small-twitch, "lightning-" or "jerk"-like movements of the eyes upon changing direction of gaze. They are said to occur even in the setting of profound ophthalmoplegia.

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Repetitive Nerve Stimulation Edit Sensitivity = 53%

For generalized myasthenia, sensitivity ranges 53-100%. Sensitivity is only 10% for ocular myasthenia. Specificity not assessed, though anecdotes put it at 70-80%.

The test is done by repetitively stimulating a nerve and looking at the muscular response; at 2 Hz stimulation, the amplitude of response should decrease over time. At higher frequency stimulation, there is a variable response (i.e. decrease or constant amplitude) because of increased calcium in the synaptic cleft.

Study: Muscle Nerve. 2001 Sep;24(9):1239-47. PMID: 11494281

Rest Test Edit 16.70.5

During the rest test the patient places a glove filled with cotton (a placebo) over the more ptotic eyelid while holding the eyes closed for 2 minutes. Complete or almost complete resolution of ptosis or at least a 2-mm increase in palpebral fissure width constitutes a positive response to these maneuvers. It is very important to evaluate the improvement immediately following the test, as the lids may quickly begin to droop again.

NOTE: only 1 study.

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866

Single Fiber Electromyography Edit Sensitivity = 82%

Sensitivity 82-99% if test more muscles. Specificity not assessed, though anecdotally reported 70-80% - and reported to be worse than RNS.

Study: Muscle Nerve. 2001 Sep;24(9):1239-47. PMID: 11494281

Sleep Test Edit 49.50

During the sleep test the patient is left in a quiet dark room with the eyes closed for 30 minutes. Complete or almost complete resolution of ptosis or at least a 2-mm increase in palpebral fissure width constitutes a positive response to these maneuvers. It is very important to evaluate the improvement immediately following the test, as the lids may quickly begin to droop again.

NOTE: only 1 study.

Study: JAMA. 2005 Apr 20;293(15):1906-14. PMID: 15840866