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Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios

Good Negative Likelihood Ratio

Good Positive Likelihood Ratio

Diabetic Neuropathy: Likelihood Ratios

Introduction: None written.

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Tags: Metabolic Neurologic Tag this Diagnosis.


Population / CalculatorPrevalence Comments / Study / Link
Diabetics 60-74 years old 40% (32-50%)

Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2002 Nov;83(11):1553-8. PMID: 12422324

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The likelihood ratios of findings for Diabetic Neuropathy are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Pre-Test Probability (Prevalence): %. Post-Test Probability (Predictive Value): %. Switch to display mode.
**Note that calculating probabilities from more than one finding is inherently inaccurate because findings are not independent. (For example, using two positive findings that share a common pathogenesis is likely to overestimate the true probability.)
Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios
FindingResult +LR-LR
[ + ] Michigan Diabetes Neuropathy Score + 0 - 4.30.1
[ + ] Vibration sensation + 0 - 400.2
[ + ] Monofilament + 0 - 19.30.2
[ + ] Proprioception + 0 - 2.80.2
[ + ] Achilles Reflex + 0 - 80.3
[ + ] Vibration sensation + 0 - 4.70.3
[ + ] Superficial Pain + 0 - 19.70.4
[ + ] Vibration sensation + 0 - 530.5
Good Negative Likelihood Ratio
FindingResult +LR-LR
[ + ] Unipedal Stance Testing + 0 - 1.80.3
Good Positive Likelihood Ratio
FindingResult +LR-LR
[ + ] Proprioception + 0 - inf0.8
[ + ] Romberg Test + 0 - inf0.8
[ + ] Patellar Reflex + 0 - inf0.9