Unipedal Stance Testing: Sensitivity and Specificity
None written. Excerpt from the entry in Diabetic Neuropathy:
For UPS, subjects stood with their weight evenly distributed on both feet, which were shoulder-width apart, and arms held comfortably at the side. Subjects were then asked to balance on the foot of their choice for as long as possible to a maximum of 30 seconds. Failure occurred when the stance foot
For UPS, subjects stood with their weight evenly distributed on both feet, which were shoulder-width apart, and arms held comfortably at the side. Subjects were then asked to balance on the foot of their choice for as long as possible to a maximum of 30 seconds. Failure occurred when the stance foot
shifted in any way or the nonstance foot touched the ground. This procedure was repeated 3 times, and the number of seconds the subject was able to balance on 1 foot was recorded for each trial. (Normal >= 10s)
Associated Diagnoses:
81% sensitive, 56% specific