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Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios

Coronary Artery Disease: Likelihood Ratios

Introduction: See UpToDate page for good prevalence data and discussion. "Investigators from Duke confirmed that age, gender, and chest pain symptoms were the most powerful predictors of CHD, but showed that other characteristics also increase the probability of CHD. These included diabetes mellitus, which was the strongest predictor, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, and Q waves or ST-T changes on the resting ECG."

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Population / CalculatorPrevalence Comments / Study / Link
Rate of CAD by age, gender, and type of chest pain 0%

(combined data from Diamond, GA, Forrester, JS, N Engl J Med 1979; 300:1350; and from Weiner, DA, Ryan, TJ, McCabe, CH, et al, N Engl J Med 1979; 301:230.)

Men with typical angina 89%

(from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study)

Women with typical angina 63%

(from the Coronary Artery Surgery Study)

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The likelihood ratios of findings for Coronary Artery Disease are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Cardiac CT
Duplicate Edit


Study: Ann Int Med vol. 152 no. 3 167-177 (2010)

PET/CT scan Edit 5.10.1

Study: Ann Intern Med 1999 May 4;130(9):719-28. PMID 10357690 (cited in UpToDate article)

Nuclear Perfusion
Duplicate Edit


Study: Ann Intern Med 1999 May 4;130(9):719-28. PMID 10357690 (cited in UpToDate article)

Cardiac MRI Edit 2.90.2


Study: Ann Int Med vol. 152 no. 3 167-177 (2010)

Cardiac CT
Duplicate Edit

Sensitivity is for >75% stenosis, but specificity is for >50% stenosis (!).

There is a lot of controversy surrounding this technique, especially as in imparts a great amount of radiation and is diagnostically limited in patients with significant coronary artery calcification. I believe this study is representative, but see UpToDate for more.

Study: J Am Coll Cardiol 2005 Jul 5;46(1):147-54. PMID 15992649

Stress Echocardiography Edit 6.30.3

Study: Ann Intern Med 1999 May 4;130(9):719-28. PMID 10357690 (cited in UpToDate article)

Nuclear Perfusion
Duplicate Edit

planar Thallium

Study: Ann Intern Med 1999 May 4;130(9):719-28. PMID 10357690 (cited in UpToDate article)

Exercise ECG Edit 30.4

Full table from UpToDate: (amount of ST depression, sensitivity, specificity)

0.5 mm 80 60

1.0 mm 60 90

2.0 mm 20 98

Study: Circulation 1989 Jul;80(1):87-98. PMID 2661056