SQL through Excel

Access an ODBC source (such as MySQL) through a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Microsoft Query only allows Excel users to read data from databases, not edit it. The following Visual Basic scripts will provide this functionality. You must first create the database, in accordance with the below assumptions, and then create a link from it to the Excel file using Microsoft Query (Data->Get External Data->New Query; set up a New Data Source). After that, the Excel file and ODBC database should be completely linked.

This script assumes the following:

  1. The table in the database is called 'Table1'
  2. The key ID is (primary key, or at least indexed) AUTO_NUMBER (not null) and exists!
  3. All other columns are TEXT (well, it doesn't really matter, but that's how I treat and create them)
  4. No apostrophes are allowed in data; the must be escaped with " \' ".
  5. Only one QueryTable in the document (otherwise, alter "ActiveSheet.QueryTables(...)")
  6. New entries in the database should be in the row immediately following existing data.
  7. The user isn't malicious (things might get misplaced, or if the user is really malicious, BAD things could happen)
  8. All cells in the worksheet are to be used for the database
  9. Changes are done cellwise, not row- or column- wise (e.g. no pasting of rows, or deletion of rows, etc.)
  10. Your text does not have the string "External" (case-sensitive) in it (creation of QueryTable involves a one-cell change of "ExternalData6"-type strings)

Each Excel worksheet should have the following script (in the sheet's Visual Basic file):

Dim isWorking As Boolean

' Assumptions:
' -Table is Table1
' -ID is (primary key, or at least indexed) AUTO_NUMBER (not null) and exists!
' -All other columns are TEXT (well, it doesn't really matter, but that's how I treat and create them)
' -No special features (sorry!)
' -You'll have to fix apostrophes (need to be written as \' because text in SQL is enclosed in single-quotes)
' -Only one QueryTable in the document (otherwise, alter "ActiveSheet.QueryTables(...)")
' -New entries are on the following line (or column) (otherwise they won't get erased, but it will work)
' -The user isn't malicious (things might get misplaced, or if the user is really malicious, BAD things could happen)
' -All cells in the worksheet are to be used for the database
' -Changes are done cellwise, not row- or column- wise (e.g. no pasting of rows, or deletion of rows, etc.)
' -Your text does not have the string "External" (case-sensitive) in it (creation of QueryTable involves a one-cell change of "ExternalData6"-type strings)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If (Not isWorking) Then
    isWorking = True
    If Target.Columns.Count = 1 And Target.Rows.Count = 1 Then
        If Not Target.Value Like "*External*" Then
            If (Target.Value Like "*'*") And Not (Target.Value Like "*\'*") Then
                MsgBox ("Must escape apostrophes (') with backslash (\) (i.e. \' not ')!")
                GoTo Skipped
            End If
            With ActiveSheet.QueryTables(ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Count)
                If .Refreshing Then
                End If
                .RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
                If (Target.Row = 1) Then 'column titles
                    If (.ResultRange.Columns.Count < Target.Column) Then
                        If (Target.Value <> "") Then
                            .Sql = "ALTER TABLE Table1 ADD COLUMN " & Target.Value & " TEXT"
                        End If
                        If (Target.Column <> 1) Then
                            If (Target.Value = "") Then 'delete column
                                If .Refreshing Then
                                End If
                                .Sql = "ALTER TABLE Table1 DROP COLUMN " & Cells(1, Target.Column)
                            Else 'change column name
                                Dim newName As String
                                newName = Target.Value
                                If .Refreshing Then
                                End If
                                .Sql = "ALTER TABLE Table1 CHANGE COLUMN " & Cells(1, Target.Column) & " " & newName & " TEXT"
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                Else 'actual data
                    If (.ResultRange.Columns.Count < Target.Column) Then 'col w/o name
                        MsgBox ("Must give a name for new column first!")
                        If (.ResultRange.Rows.Count - 1) >= (Target.Row - 1) Then 'existing record
                            If (Target.Column = 1) Then 'tries to change ID
                                If (Target.Value = "") Then 'delete record
                                If .Refreshing Then
                                End If
                                    .Sql = "DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE ID = " & Cells(Target.Row, 1)
                                End If
                            Else 'update record
                                .Sql = "UPDATE Table1 SET " & Cells(1, Target.Column).Value & " = '" & Target.Value & "' WHERE ID = " & Cells(Target.Row, 1).Value
                            End If
                        Else 'create new record
                            .Sql = "INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES (" & "NULL,"
                            Dim i As Integer
                            i = 2
                            While i <= .ResultRange.Columns.Count 'create list of values (all but one null)
                                If i = Target.Column Then
                                    .Sql = .Sql & "'" & Target.Value & "',"
                                    .Sql = .Sql & "'',"
                                End If
                                i = i + 1
                            .Sql = Left(.Sql, Len(.Sql) - 1)
                            .Sql = .Sql & ")"
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If .Refreshing Then
                End If
                .Sql = "select * from Table1 order by ID"
            End With
        End If
    End If
    isWorking = False
End If
End Sub

To initialize the Excel-ODBC link, run the following macro (or do it manually) once per sheet:

Sub initQuery()
	working = True
	With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="ODBC;DSN=local", Destination:=Range("A1"), Sql:="SELECT* FROM Table1")
		.RefreshStyle = xlOverwriteCells
	End With
	working = False
End Sub

In "DSN=local", local should be replaced by the name of the ODBC data source (set up with Microsoft Query).

Copyright 2002 Mark Hammer. All rights reserved. You may modify this script at will, but please give me credit. I provide no guarantees or waranties whatsoever for this script. Questions, comments, etc. should be directed to mark@mst.ufl.edu.