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Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios

Good Negative Likelihood Ratio

Good Positive Likelihood Ratio

Poorly Diagnostic Findings

Findings With Unspecified Accuracy

Small Bowel Obstruction: Likelihood Ratios

Introduction: None written.

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Tags: Gastrointestinal Problem Tag this Diagnosis.

The likelihood ratios of findings for Small Bowel Obstruction are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Good Positive and Negative Likelihood Ratios

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Enteroclysis Edit 8.30

plain film enteroclysis

Study: Radiol Clin North Am. 2003 Mar;41(2):263-83, vi. PMID: 12659338

CT Enteroclysis Edit inf0.1

Study: Radiology. 2007 Dec;245(3):661-71. PMID: 18024448

Elevated Serum Lactate Edit 6.90.1

for ischemia

Study: Am J Surg 1994 Jun;167(6):575-8. PMID 8209931

Abdominal US Edit inf0.2

Study: Acta Radiol 1999 Jul;40(4):422-8. PMID 10394872

Abdominal CT
Duplicate Edit


Study: Eur J Radiol. 2009 Jul;71(1):135-40. PMID 18534800

Abdominal CT
Duplicate Edit

with IV contrast

Study: Eur J Radiol. 2009 Jul;71(1):135-40. PMID 18534800

Clinical diagnosis Edit 750.3

Study: Scand J Gastroenterol. 1994 Aug;29(8):715-21 PMID: 7973431

Abdominal Distension Edit 5.80.4

for SBO as final diagnosis of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

History of Abdominal Surgery Edit 2.60.4

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Emesis Edit 2.20.4

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Emesis is more common in proximal small bowel obstruction than in distal small bowel obstruction

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Abdominal CT
Duplicate Edit

Study: Radiology. 2007 Dec;245(3):661-71. PMID: 18024448

Age Edit 2.20.5

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Good Negative Likelihood Ratio

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Abdominal X-Ray Edit 1.60.5

many sources list sensitivity closer to 50%

Study: Am Surg. 1999 Oct;65(10):922-6. PMID: 10515535

Good Positive Likelihood Ratio

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
History of Constipation Edit 8.80.6

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Abdominal Tenderness Edit 5.10.7

for SBO as final diagnosis of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Relief of Pain by Vomiting Edit 4.30.8

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Increased Bowel Sounds Edit 3.50.7

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Decreased Bowel Sounds Edit 3.20.8

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Colicky Pain Edit 2.90.8

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Abdominal Rigidity Edit 2.70.9

for SBO as final dx of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Abdominal Mass Edit 2.20.9

for SBO as final diagnosis of abdominal pain

Study: Eur J Surg. 1998 Oct;164(10):777-84. PMID: 9840308

Poorly Diagnostic Findings

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Elevated D-dimer Edit 1.90.6

for strangulated SBO

Study: Medicina (Kaunas). 2007;43(11):850-4. PMID: 18084141

Findings With Unspecified Accuracy

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Elevated Serum Amylase Edit No accuracy specified.

Study: no study specified.

hearing loss Edit No accuracy specified.

Study: no study specified.

Tachycardia Edit No accuracy specified.

Study: no study specified.

Leukocytosis Edit No accuracy specified.

Study: no study specified.

UGI/SBFT Edit No accuracy specified.

An upper GI and small bowel follow-through can differentiate between mechanical obstruction and an ileus

Study: no study specified.