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Epilepsy: Sensitivity and Specificity

Introduction: aka seizure. See also Syncope as a differential diagnosis.

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Tags: Neurologic Tag this Diagnosis.

Differential Diagnoses include: Syncope

The sensitivity and specificity of findings for Epilepsy are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Pre-Test Probability (Prevalence): %. Post-Test Probability (Predictive Value): %. Switch to display mode.
**Note that calculating probabilities from more than one finding is inherently inaccurate because findings are not independent. (For example, using two positive findings that share a common pathogenesis is likely to overestimate the true probability.)
Specific Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Interictal EEG + 0 - 29%99.5%
[ + ] Prodromal Preoccupation + 0 - 7.8%98.2%
[ + ] Prodromal Hallucinations + 0 - 8%98%
[ + ] Cut Tongue + 0 - 45%97%
[ + ] Head Turning + 0 - 43%97%
[ + ] Unusual Posturing + 0 - 35%97%
[ + ] Interictal EEG + 0 - 50%96%
[ + ] Elevated Prolactin + 0 - 46%96%
[ + ] Urinary Incontinence + 0 - 23%96%
[ + ] Prodromal Deja Vu + 0 - 14%96%
[ + ] Myalgia + 0 - 16%95%
[ + ] Cyanosis + 0 - 33%94%
[ + ] Prodromal Trembling + 0 - 29%94%
[ + ] Limb Jerking + 0 - 69%88%
[ + ] Chest Pain + 0 - 2%87.2%
[ + ] Amnesia + 0 - 53%87%
[ + ] Presyncope with Needle + 0 - 3.9%86.3%
[ + ] Provoked by Stress + 0 - 57%85%
Sensitive Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Postictal Confusion + 0 - 94%69%
[ + ] Abnormal Behavior + 0 - 92%67%
Negative Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Chest Pain + 0 - 2%87.2%
[ + ] Presyncope with Needle + 0 - 3.9%86.3%
[ + ] Vertigo + 0 - 5.9%78.5%
[ + ] Presyncopal Dyspnea + 0 - 2%76.3%
[ + ] History of Coronary Artery Disease + 0 - 2%74.9%
[ + ] Presyncope with Heat + 0 - 7.8%73.1%
[ + ] Presyncopal Nausea + 0 - 5.9%72.2%
[ + ] Hypertension + 0 - 7.8%70.8%
[ + ] Self-Reported High Blood Pressure + 0 - 9.8%69%
[ + ] Presyncope with Standing + 0 - 5.9%67.6%
[ + ] Palpitations + 0 - 3.9%66.2%
[ + ] Presyncopal Warmth + 0 - 7.8%66.2%
[ + ] Presyncopal Diaphoresis + 0 - 5.9%65.3%
[ + ] Syncope with Standing + 0 - 2%60%
[ + ] Chest Pain + 0 - 9.8%54.3%
[ + ] Remembered Loss of Consciousness + 0 - 11.8%42.5%
[ + ] Presyncopal Episodes + 0 - 27.5%27.4%
[ + ] Presyncopal Episodes + 0 - 23.5%13.7%
Poorly Diagnostic Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Postictal Headache + 0 - 49%83%
[ + ] Unresponsiveness + 0 - 77%75%