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Poorly Diagnostic Findings

Emphysema: Likelihood Ratios

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Tags: Pulmonary Tag this Diagnosis.


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The likelihood ratios of findings for Emphysema are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Poorly Diagnostic Findings

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Chest CT Edit Sensitivity = 96%

Study population: patients with CT, CXR, and PFTs done within a short timespan (virtually all smokers). Standard was decreased diffusion capacity and airway obstruction by PFTs. Note that these findings were also found in 69% of patients in this study with normal PFTs.

Study: Invest Radiol. 1988 Apr;23(4):262-6. PMID: 3372190

Chest X-Ray Edit Sensitivity = 68%

Study population: patients with CT, CXR, and PFTs done within a short timespan (virtually all smokers). Arterial deficiency and bullae on CXR for decreased diffusion capacity and airway obstruction by PFTs.

Study: Invest Radiol. 1988 Apr;23(4):262-6. PMID: 3372190