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Congestive Heart Failure: Sensitivity and Specificity

Introduction: Most of the discussion here refers to decreased LV systolic function. Some studies evaluated symptomatic - or decompensated - heart failure, while others included asymptomatic patients.

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Tags: Cardiac Problem Tag this Diagnosis.


Population / CalculatorPrevalence Comments / Study / Link
46000 2.3%
1000 1%
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The sensitivity and specificity of findings for Congestive Heart Failure are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Pre-Test Probability (Prevalence): %. Post-Test Probability (Predictive Value): %. Switch to display mode.
**Note that calculating probabilities from more than one finding is inherently inaccurate because findings are not independent. (For example, using two positive findings that share a common pathogenesis is likely to overestimate the true probability.)
Specific Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] S3 + 0 - 13%99%
[ + ] Dyspnea on Exertion + 0 - 15%97%
[ + ] Elevated JVP + 0 - 11%97%
[ + ] Ascites + 0 - 1%97%
[ + ] Abdominojugular Reflux + 0 - 24%96%
[ + ] Chest X-Ray + 0 - 71%92%
[ + ] History of MI + 0 - 39%91%
[ + ] Peripheral Edema + 0 - 18%91%
[ + ] S3 + 0 - 52%87%
[ + ] Clinical diagnosis + 0 - 61%86%
Sensitive Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] ECG + 0 - 98%69%
[ + ] pro BNP + 0 - 90%76%
Negative Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Ascites + 0 - 1%97%
[ + ] Cough + 0 - 36%61%
[ + ] Wheezing + 0 - 22%58%
Poorly Diagnostic Findings
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] History of Angina + 0 - 48%84%
[ + ] Paroxsymal Nocturnal Dyspnea + 0 - 41%84%
[ + ] Crackles + 0 - 44%82%
[ + ] Peripheral Edema + 0 - 50%78%
[ + ] Orthopnea + 0 - 50%77%
[ + ] S4 + 0 - 43%72%
[ + ] Fatigue and Weight Gain + 0 - 31%70%
[ + ] Clinical diagnosis + 0 - 81%47%
[ + ] Dyspnea on Exertion + 0 - 84%34%
Findings With Unspecified Accuracy
FindingResult SensitivitySpecificity
[ + ] Tachycardia No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Crackles No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Pulsus Alternans No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Dyspnea No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Ankle Swelling No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Purulent Sputum No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Chest X-Ray No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Chest CT No accuracy specified.
[ + ] ECG No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Arterial Blood Gas No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Elevated CRP No accuracy specified.
[ + ] Elevated D-dimer No accuracy specified.