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Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction


Choledocholithiasis: Likelihood Ratios

Introduction: Stones in the common bile duct, causing obstruction of bile flow out of the liver. Consequences of this include - besides simply Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction - Acute Pancreatitis and acute cholangitis.

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Tags: Hepatic Tag this Diagnosis.

Differential Diagnoses include: Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction

The likelihood ratios of findings for Choledocholithiasis are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Extrahepatic Biliary Obstruction

Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Endoscopic Ultrasound Edit 19.20

Study: Abdom Imaging. 2008 Jan-Feb;33(1):6-9. PMID: 17874159

Duplicate Edit

MRCP with >= 5mm slices

Study: Abdom Imaging. 2008 Jan-Feb;33(1):6-9. PMID: 17874159

Duplicate Edit

MRCP done with slices <= 3 mm or 3D MRCP

Study: Abdom Imaging. 2008 Jan-Feb;33(1):6-9. PMID: 17874159


Finding +LR-LR Comments, Study
Bile Duct Dilatation Edit 8.10.1

internal bile duct diameter on ultrasonography of less than or equal to 5 mm up to age 50 years, increasing by 1 mm per decade, was considered normal

Study: Br J Surg. 1995 Oct;82(10):1371-3 PMID: 7489169

Bile Duct Dilatation or Any Elevated LFT Edit 4.40.1

bile duct >5mm (+1 / decade over 50); LFTs: bilirubin, ALT, or AP

Study: Br J Surg. 1995 Oct;82(10):1371-3 PMID: 7489169

Elevated LFTs Edit 230.6

at least 2 of: bilirubin, AP, ALT

Study: Br J Surg. 1995 Oct;82(10):1371-3 PMID: 7489169