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Adrenal Insufficiency: Sensitivity and Specificity

Introduction: If primary (i.e. due to lack of production by the adrenals), it is known as Addison's Disease.

Gold standard tests include the metyrapone test (for secondary AI - looking for an increase in ACTH after metyrapone blocks cortisol synthesis) and the cortisol response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia.

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The sensitivity and specificity of findings for Adrenal Insufficiency are listed below. See the left navigation bar to change the display.

Sensitive and Specific Findings

Finding SensitivitySpecificity Comments, Study
High-Dose ACTH Stimulation Test
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for primary adrenal insufficiency (sens much lower for secondary)

using 250 mcg of cosyntropin (high-dose stim)

Study: Ann Intern Med 2003 Aug 5;139(3):194-204. PMID 12899587

Specific Findings

Finding SensitivitySpecificity Comments, Study
Morning Serum Cortisol
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< 5 mcg/dl

gold standard - subnormal serum cortisol response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia

Study: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998 Jul;83(7):2350-4. PMID 9661607

Low-Dose ACTH Stimulation Test Edit 61%95%

for seconary adrenal insufficiency

the sensitivity is low because partially atrophic adrenals can still respond; the sensitivity improves as the duration of the AI is longer

low dose stim = 1mcg cosyntropin

Study: Ann Intern Med 2003 Aug 5;139(3):194-204. PMID 12899587

High-Dose ACTH Stimulation Test
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for secondary adrenal insufficiency

the sensitivity is low because partially atrophic adrenals can still respond; the sensitivity improves as the duration of the AI is longer

high-dose stim = 250 mcg of cosyntropin

Study: Ann Intern Med 2003 Aug 5;139(3):194-204. PMID 12899587

Poorly Diagnostic Findings

Finding SensitivitySpecificity Comments, Study
Morning Serum Cortisol
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< 10 mcg/dl

gold standard - subnormal cortisol response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia

Study: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1998 Jul;83(7):2350-4. PMID 9661607