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Calculator - A Database of Diagnostic Accuracy

GetTheDiagnosis is a web-based database of the sensitivity and specificity of history questions, physical exam findings, and lab and imaging tests for a wide variety of diagnoses. The site is easily searchable by both diagnosis and finding (see search box at left). We even offer built-in post-test probability calculators so that you can find out how each test will change the likelihood of the given diagnosis. Each entry provides a link to the primary literature source, so you can always check the numbers or patient population.

You may have some questions: Read about sensitivity and specificity. You can also use our calculators.

GetTheDiagnosis is a collaborative project - we need your help! Please sign up to start contributing. We are currently up to 315 diagnoses and 1133 findings, for a total of 1733 entries!

See our publication in Postgraduate Medical Journal: Hammer MM and Kohlberg GD. "Get the Diagnosis: an evidence-based medicine collaborative Wiki for diagnostic test accuracy." Postgrad Med J 2016.